OCSL Announces Start Dates
March 28, 2018

Below are the anticipated League Start Dates.

New this year is an opening weekend festival for the premier and C1 teams. This full weekend of games will be a celebration of the top soccer in Ottawa. All game will be happening at Carleton University. We are encouraging clubs to promote it to their members especially if you have youth teams. Teams involved in this please note: this is non-negotiable. 

Start Dates: 

MP - Sunday May 13th 

WP - Friday May 11th 

MC1 A/B - Sunday May 13th 

WC1 A/B - Saturday May 12th 

All other Competitive Divisions - anticipated start the week of May 14th (assuming fields open, turf field will play no matter what) 

MR, WR and OT - the week of May 21 on your normal game nights. 

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